- Begin on your hands and knees
- Hands (or fists) and knees should be directly under the shoulders and hips, respectively
- Legs should be hip width apart, and the stomach muscles should be engaged to support the spine
- Try to flatten the back, so that you have a straight line from ear to hip
- Cat pose
- Tilt the pelvis so the lower back curves upward and arch your mid back up like a stretching cat
- Try to keep the neck in a neutral position during this phase
- Cow pose
- Try to focus the movement in the middle of the back, keeping it relaxed
Thoracic Spine Foam Roll
- Begin with the foam roller placed in the middle of your back (between the shoulder blades)
- Keep the abs lightly contracted, and try to maintain a neutral spine in the neck and low back
- If you feel any pain beyond a light ache, stop doing the exercise immediately
- Slowly begin to roll up to the top of the shoulder blades, and then back down to the bottom of the rib cage
- Hands should be clasped behind the head, and elbows pulled slightly together
- Do NOT roll to the neck or lower back, always stop the motion before reaching these areas
- Repeat the process, and breathe regularly
Doorway Pec
- Stand in a doorway, feet lined up with the opening
- Place one foot in front of the other, for stability
- Place your arms at shoulder height in the doorway, make right angles with the elbows
- Hold for approximately 15 seconds for each side
Hip Flexor
- Kneel on one leg, with the heel directly under the knee and the back leg in line with the thigh
- Square the hips
- Imagine having headlights on the front of each hip bone
- Ensure both "headlights" are directed straight forward as you tilt the pelvis backwards (think of rotating the pelvis towards the bellybutton)
- Low back should stay straight or slightly curve forward
- Press forward gently from the tailbone, while holding the lower abdominals and pelvis upright
- Breathe into the stretch, hold for 30 seconds
- Repeat on the other side
Lower Trapezius
- Begin on your stomach, with your legs straight out behind you and hip distance apart
- Position your arms down by your sides, with your palms turned towards the floor
- Lift both arms towards the ceiling
- Think of drawing the shoulder blades down and together
- Arms stay straight, and shoulders are pulled away from ears
- Hold this position for 10-15 seconds, breathing normally
- Release both arms down to the floor
- Repeat to complete a set of 10