Interferential Current (IFC)
IFC functions to speed up tissue healing, decrease swelling, and decrease pain.
Pain control:
Promotes Wound Healing
Tissue healing/Swelling:
Pain control:
- gate control (presynaptic inhibition of A-delta & C fibres & large A-beta mechanoreceptors)
- descending pain suppression & endogenous opiate (smaller A-d & C fibres)
- decreases spasm
- blocks nociceptive activity
- removes pain metabolites
- reduces swelling therefore decreasing pressure on receptors and improving blood supply to region
Promotes Wound Healing
- attracts antimicrobial factors to region
- helps break down & absorb blood clots
Tissue healing/Swelling:
- increases removal of vasoactive agents, debris, & waste products
- increases cell membrane permeability
- increases blood flow by stimulating the autonomic nervous system and depressing the sympathetic nervous system
- muscle pump decreases edema